Mushroom Breakfast Cups

Breakfast is one of my favourite meals, when it turns into a brunch... even better!

That's kinda how this recipe came to be... I woke up around 9, sat down and read a new book, had two cups of coffee and next time I looked at the clock it was midday!

How on earth... anyway this is a quick brunch style bakes that is simple and delicious!


4 button mushrooms, diced
3 eggs
1 sheet puff pastry
1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese
1/2 teaspoon Cajun seasoning
1/4 cup full cream milk
handful chives, chopped


1. Preheat oven to 150c and spray muffin tin.

2. Lay out thawed puff pastry on chopping board and roll out the edges to give length to the sides. Only do this once per side.

3. Cut the puff pastry into four squares and lay into muffin tin, pressing in at the bottom.

4. Combine all other ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

5. Pour the mixture evenly into the puff pastry filled tins.

6. Bake at 165c for 15-20 minutes. Leave to cool in switched off oven.

7 Serve and enjoy!
